Fisher Lighting and Controls is extremely excited to announce the addition of industry giant LSI Industries to our line card in its 40th year of existence. Headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio, with facilities in...
Fisher Lighting and Controls is proud to announce the addition of an exciting new factory to its line card: LED landscape lighting experts Excelsior Lighting. Based in Fresno, California, Excelsior Lighting...
Fisher Lighting and Controls is extremely excited about Current By GE's recent acquisition of Daintree Networks, the smart building control wizards headquartered in California (with sites in Boston and Melbourne, Australia). The...
GE never backs away from the cutting edge, and their new venture is no exception. Current by GE is essentially a startup fostered by the multi-industry giant whose directive is...
NuLEDs and the Power-Over-Ethernet (POE) movement continue to grow - and with good reason. The November/December 2015 issue of LEDs magazine features an extensive feature on the growing phenomenon that is Power-Over-Ethernet, continually drawing on...
Fisher Lighting and Controls is thrilled to announce that it is now a representative for the California-based power-over-ethernet lighting wizards known as NuLEDs. An extremely innovative and exciting new company, NuLEDs allows...
Fisher Lighting and Controls is excited to announce that it is now a representative for the Lightology lighting showroom, created by our friends at PureEdge Lighting. A unique venture for...
Fisher Lighting and Controls is excited to announce that it is now a representative for the Ontario, Canada-based lighting manufacturer Liteline. The parent corporation of A-Line Lighting, Liteline offers a...
Fisher Lighting and Controls is excited to announce that it is now a representative for the LiteLine specification line, A-Line Lighting. Based in Ontario, Canada, A-Line manufactures high-end new-build track...
Fisher Lighting and Controls is excited to announce that it is now a representative for the Detroit-based power systems wizards known as Nextek Power Systems. Specializing in Direct Current (DC)...
Fisher Lighting and Controls is pleased to announce that it is now a representative for one of Europe's largest lighting manufacturers, Reggiani Illuminazione. With offices in Italy, France, the USA, the...
Fisher Lighting and Controls is excited to announce that it is now a representative for the Michigan-based light pole manufacturer United Lighting Standards. Founded in 1971, United Lighting Standards pride...
Fisher Lighting and Controls is excited to announce that it is now a representative for the Missouri-based lighting manufacturer Casey Architectural Lighting. Specialists in beautiful decorative lighting, Casey Architectural Lighting...
Imagine the most powerful and far-reaching controls system you've ever seen. Now make it smarter, more self-sufficient and more all-encompassing; that's what you get with GE's Intelligent Environments For Cities and...
With their state-of-the-art Albeo high bay LED fixtures, GE is helping the Cleveland Cavaliers save money and get in more practice time. Previously outfitted with metal halides, the lighting situation...
UPDATE: GE's TriGain™ phosphor technology just won a coveted LFI Innovation Award at LightFair 2015. GE is continuing to realize the enormous potential of LED technology with their newest innovation: Reveal TriGain™...
"If you can change a lamp or ballast, you can install our [LED] retrofit kit." Retrofitting can be a daunting task, but ANP Lighting has made it very easy to...
GE's Mind + Machines Video Playlist General Electric's annual Minds + Machines conference has showcased GE's efforts to combine big data analytics and the industrial sector through the Industrial Internet. With...
Corporex's flyby rendering video of The Art Hotel in Denver Fisher Lighting & Controls is extremely proud to announce that it will be providing lighting for the brand-new Denver Art...
Denver's 120 year-old Union Station has undergone a $54 million renovation, and Fisher Lighting and Controls played a key part in its revitalization. Lighting products provided by FLC can be...
Due to its rapid success and enormous potential for growth, GE Lighting has relocated its Boulder-based Albeo division to a 174,000 square foot facility in Longmont, Colorado. It's great to...